December 2019
Welcome to the last newsletter for this year, and first I want to thank Paul McLeod for the work he has put in as Secretary in the last few months, and to welcome Jake Fisher to the hot seat. Jake's having a well-earned rest after appearing as Lieutenant Cable in South Pacific all month, but rest assured, he has the reins firmly in his grasp!
Thank you to all our audiences, cast, crew and families for all your support of our recent production of South Pacific. Pictured above is the happy cast, and you can see more of Simon Whittaker's beautiful photographs in the web gallery.
As always, we're going straight into audition mode, with auditions for Into the Woods being held from December 12th --15th. Full information on this year's new process is available on the Auditions page. Make sure you read the audition brief and all the FAQs, and then if you still aren't sure, by all means get in touch. We hope you will enjoy the new process and find it a more relaxing way to audition.
There will be several opportunities to get together on a social basis before the end of the year, with the Jetty Theatre's season launch on Tuesday 10th, and the annual joint Christmas party with our friends at CHATS on Sunday 22nd. Just scroll down for details.
If you're quick you can also see a couple of great shows before Christmas, with 'It Takes a Village" from Naidu Performing Arts, and "Spamalot" in Grafton. Several of our members are involved with both of these productions, and you can grab yourselves tickets just by clicking on the images below. Congratulations to all involved!
Finally it is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to a much loved member, Cate Walsh, who passed away on Saturday. Cate has been a part of the company since her wonderful performance as Prudy Pingleton in Hairspray, and is perhaps best known for her moving version of "Feed the Birds" in Mary Poppins. She will be sorely missed, and our thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family at this time. Her funeral will be on Friday December 6th, 10:30 am at the Coffs CEX if you'd like to say goodbye.
With all best wishes for the festive season,
Di O'Ferrall
Newsletter Editor
Thank you to all our audiences, cast, crew and families for all your support of our recent production of South Pacific. Pictured above is the happy cast, and you can see more of Simon Whittaker's beautiful photographs in the web gallery.
As always, we're going straight into audition mode, with auditions for Into the Woods being held from December 12th --15th. Full information on this year's new process is available on the Auditions page. Make sure you read the audition brief and all the FAQs, and then if you still aren't sure, by all means get in touch. We hope you will enjoy the new process and find it a more relaxing way to audition.
There will be several opportunities to get together on a social basis before the end of the year, with the Jetty Theatre's season launch on Tuesday 10th, and the annual joint Christmas party with our friends at CHATS on Sunday 22nd. Just scroll down for details.
If you're quick you can also see a couple of great shows before Christmas, with 'It Takes a Village" from Naidu Performing Arts, and "Spamalot" in Grafton. Several of our members are involved with both of these productions, and you can grab yourselves tickets just by clicking on the images below. Congratulations to all involved!
Finally it is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to a much loved member, Cate Walsh, who passed away on Saturday. Cate has been a part of the company since her wonderful performance as Prudy Pingleton in Hairspray, and is perhaps best known for her moving version of "Feed the Birds" in Mary Poppins. She will be sorely missed, and our thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family at this time. Her funeral will be on Friday December 6th, 10:30 am at the Coffs CEX if you'd like to say goodbye.
With all best wishes for the festive season,
Di O'Ferrall
Newsletter Editor
From the President

Another year is quickly drawing to a close and what a great year it has been for the company with two successful shows completed and plans well underway for next year. A Huge thank you to everyone who has been involved this year. Sometimes we underestimate the effect our efforts have on the community and the people around us, not only in the great entertainment but, in the cultivation of new friends and personal development. Well done to you all!
Sadly we have just lost one of our stalwarts, Cate Walsh and what a terrible loss that is. Our hearts go out to her husband and family and for those available there will be a memorial event this Friday at the CEX club at 10.30am. Cate was such a live wire, so much fun and was loved by all, she has left us a fine example of how to live life to the fullest. At the final performance of South Pacific she received a standing ovation from the audience, cast and crew, which I am sure she must have heard in heaven.
Don’t miss the auditions for Into the Woods as I am sure this will be an exceptional show (details below) .
There will be a Christmas get together on Sunday 22nd at 10 am for all CHMCC and CHATS members to share a BBQ and some Christmas cheer at the shed. This will be a great opportunity to connect with friends so make some time to pop in for a catch up.
The company would like to wish each and everyone of you a happy and healthy Christmas with family, friends and good food and we look forward to seeing you all next year for another great year of theatre.
CHMCC President & Director, South Pacific
From the Director
It is time for a little rest for all of us after a very hectic season of South Pacific.
What a great fun show it turned out to be, perhaps not as successful in the box office as we would have liked but those who attended had nothing but high praise for all your efforts. The camaraderie was evident at the fabulous cast party hosted by Joel and Donna Blythe and a big thank you them and their family. Theatre is meant to be fun and at the end of the day this was a huge success.
I want to thank everyone who assisted me in this show, Jake, Jade, Maureen, Tim there are too many to name them all but I would like to make a special mention to my Co-Director Pam Lane who was my rock throughout. An exceptional lady, thank you.
So on and upwards , everyone have a nice little rest and we will see you all in the theatre next year.
What a great fun show it turned out to be, perhaps not as successful in the box office as we would have liked but those who attended had nothing but high praise for all your efforts. The camaraderie was evident at the fabulous cast party hosted by Joel and Donna Blythe and a big thank you them and their family. Theatre is meant to be fun and at the end of the day this was a huge success.
I want to thank everyone who assisted me in this show, Jake, Jade, Maureen, Tim there are too many to name them all but I would like to make a special mention to my Co-Director Pam Lane who was my rock throughout. An exceptional lady, thank you.
So on and upwards , everyone have a nice little rest and we will see you all in the theatre next year.
Into the Woods, it's time to go! This year we're holding individual auditions for those aged 18+, so make sure you read all the information provided on characters, roles available, age limits, and audition process, etc etc. (Those under 18 will audition as a group). Please make sure you understand what's required, we know it's a different process for most, but we think you'll like the changes!
Full information is available on the Auditions Page.
If you have questions, check out the FAQs.
Full information is available on the Auditions Page.
If you have questions, check out the FAQs.

Auditions for 'Into The Woods' are not far away and spots are filling up! Have you booked your audition yet? Here are some things to consider and remember if you're interested in auditioning for this exciting production!
- Firstly. Be sure to read the Audition Pack carefully;
- Fill out an audition application form and follow the submission process details to book your audition time;
- These auditions are not ‘open’. You cannot just turn up on the day, you must book your audition;
- All applicants must audition in their specified age category - no exceptions will be made. Please note, the panel will consider all auditionees for any role we see suitable, this includes adults being cast in the ensemble;
- All auditionees must meet the minimum age requirement for their listed character by January 18th 2020. ie: those who are 17, turning 18 prior to the aforementioned date, may audition according to the requirements for an ‘Adult Role’;
- Preparation is the key. Know your audition song. If you’re using a backing track, make sure you have tested it first and it is ready to go on your device. If you are using sheet music make sure it is neatly presented in a display folder, and in the right key;
- The panel is on your side. We want everybody who walks through the door to be the best they can be, so, take a breath, acknowledge those little nervous butterflies and harness them as good energy as opposed to trying to get rid of them, smile, walk in with utmost confidence in your preparation, and ENJOY the process.
Director, Into the Woods
2020 Season
We're very excited about our 2020 Season! More information about both productions is available on the website's 2020 Season page.